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Cerester is the first winery in Europe

Cerester is the first winery in Europe to have tested the two new products: Bottle Safe Yeast & Bottle Safe Bacteria of Biomérieux company, for rapid control and validation of final wine filtration. After testing them Cerester opted to regularly use these products.

Veriflow® it is a tool which, thanks an extremely simplified and production line-oriented PCR technique, allows for the proactive monitoring of wine “spoilers” such as Brettanomyces, Lactic Bacteria, Fermentative Yeasts and Total Bacteria, with results directly in the cellar in less than 4 hours and with unique performances in terms of ease of use, sensitivity and precision.

Veriflow ® is now a reference for the proactive management of microbial contamination in the cellar.  This preventive approach to quality will allow you to avoid costly corrective measures, loss of butches due to uncontrolled contamination and to preserve quality and value of the final product over time.